Whether you’re new to gardening or you’re looking to refresh your gardening supplies, this article has everything you need to start growing a garden from seed! This is exactly how I start seedings in the late winter months to have a successful and bountiful garden all summer long.
If you’re looking to start garden planning, click here! I have posts covering exactly how to plan a garden in a simple format.
How to Start Growing From Seed
Racks or Table
Starting seeds doesn’t take up very much space initially. But once your seeds turn into seedlings, you’re going to need a lot more space. Think about it, your tiny seed pellet now needs to be transferred into small pots. This dramatically increases the space you need to care for all of your seedlings. If you are ambitious, you’ll need some racks. If you have a smaller garden or are wise and don’t take on too much at once (I am guilty!), then a dedicated table for growing will do.
Seed Pellets
For maximum efficiency, stick with the seed pellets. They are easy to store, easy to use, and way less messy.
These reusable trays are perfect for starting seeds year after year. You don’t need seed pellet trays that have individual cells. The best thing about these trays is that they can be used during the seedling stage because there are no cells and there is high dome.
Grow Light
In some cases, you can get by without a grow light. If you have a larger seed operation or low lighting, then you definitely need a grow light to maintain a consistent light source. If you have a well lit house and are not using a rack, then you can probably pass on this step.
Baker Creek Seeds
Good plants come from great seeds. Baker Creek Seeds are truly some of the very best seeds in the business. This is not sponsored, I just truly love their seeds. I have had incredible success with Baker Creek Seeds and with a very high germination rate. I have always gotten quality plants out of their seeds.
Having a spritzer is very helpful when starting seeds because you are much less likely to over water the seed pellets. Overwatering can cause the seeds to die, can cause too high humidity, and possibly mold.
Warming Mat
A warming mat is very helpful for keeping a consistent temperature to promote germination. This is especially important if your seeds are near a drafty window or door. If your seeds are in a warm and highly temperature controlled space, you can probably skip this step.
From Seeds To Seedlings
Starter Pots
Making sure to plant your seed pellets at the correct time is essential for keeping those little seedlings healthy. I recommend buying these starter pots at the same time that you buy the seed pellets. Having these at the ready is essential for ensuring you get those seedlings started early and successfully.
Pot Trays
These pot tray will make your life so much easier. These are sturdy and will keep you organize. Plus, if you want to gift any seedlings to friends, family, or coworkers, these pot trays make it incredibly easy to transport many pots at once.
Time to get down and dirty! This pack of gloves will serve you all season long. Buying a pack of gloves is great because you will be able to keep 1 pair in multiple places for easy access.
Slowly introducing your seedlings to some environmental stressors is key to growing hardy plants. Fans help simulate wind, which will teach your seedlings that they need to grow sturdy stems. Be sure to introduce your seedlings to wind from multiple different directions to ensure they are strong on all sides.
Greenhouse or Grow Tunnel
Having a greenhouse hoop can be helpful for extending your growing season, but it is also helpful for hardening-off your seedlings. A greenhouse or greenhouse hoop will serve as another way to slowly introduce environmental stress to your seedlings, without going too fast too soon. Depending on where you live and what type of seed, some seeds can be started in a greenhouse or greenhouse hoop.
Watering Can
Time to upgrade from the spritzer to a watering can. This watering can is great for seedlings and house plants.
5 Gallon Buckets and 2.5 Gallon Buckets
Buckets are incredibly handy in the garden for so many reasons. For seed starting, I recommend using a bucket to transfer your soil without making a huge mess. Put your soil into a bucket and then fill your small pots from the bucket instead of from the bag the soil came in. This is a much less messy method to filling your small pots! A 5 gallon bucket will work just fine, but a 2.5 gallon to 3 gallon bucket is much easier to work out of. Plus it will be easier to move when it is full of soil.
Plant Identifying Tags
Have more of these than you think you need. Having these tags are much better than writing on the pots directly. I did this once and completely regretted it the following year. I still used those pots, but then I had to keep the pots organized by type if I wanted to use them again. Just use these tags, it’ll be much easier.
To Seedling… and Beyond!
Grow Bags
Grow bags are a great way to start gardening without having to commit to pots that will always take up the same amount of space. These are great if you are gardening on a balcony or will be moving soon. Also, these are great for growing onions or tubers like potatoes.
Raised Beds
If you have a yard, raised beds are truly a superior way to garden (IMO). There are tons of different building plans out there if you are ambitious enough to build your own. Or, you can simply by one that is pre-fabricated and will only require some assembly.
Obviously, you will need some pots to transplant your seedings into. Here are a few highly rated pots to get you started.
Window Boxes
If you are a flower gardener, these window boxes are perfect for your home or cottage garden. Window boxes are a great way to show off your green thumb, while also adorning your home or shed!
This article is all about the best practical supplies for growing a garden from seed. This is the best supplies to help you grow a garden from seed. With this supplies, you will know how to grow a garden from seed. Also, you will be able to grow seed and have the supplies to transplant seedlings.