Effectively rebranding yourself is a term used to describe a period of time that you focus on changing how you operate in the world, how you are perceived, the habits you have, and set a clear path for achieving the goals you aspire to achieve. This is very similar to stepping into a new era, but personal rebrand is deeper than a new era. Effectively rebranding yourself impacts multiple areas of your life, unlike an “era” which typically impacts only 1 or 2.

A personal rebrand is an effective way to get yourself out of a funk or to take yourself to the next level. You don’t need to wait until the new year to level up. This will take time and planning to execute successfully, so if you are feeling the urge to do a rebrand, I strongly encourage you to avoid waiting for a specific time of year to start.

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1. Define WHY you want to rebrand yourself

People go through a personal rebrand for many different reason. The first step towards effectively rebranding yourself is understanding WHY you have this urge to rebrand yourself. Understanding your why will help you throughout your rebrand because it gives you a purpose for all of the actions you will be taking. Without the purpose, you are much more likely to fall back into old habits.

This is exactly how I recommend setting the scene for diving deep to discover your WHY behind rebranding yourself.

  1. Take a shower and/or put on some clothes that makes your feel comfortable
  2. Clear a space in your home, apartment, or dorm room where you can begin drafting your rebrand. A clear space will help facilitate a clear mind. If you are holistic or spiritual, using a sage smudge can help clear the energy in your space.
  3. Get a notebook (bonus points if it reflects the new personal brand you’re going for)
  4. Turn on some calming music or frequencies. I recommend frequencies during sessions of focused intention setting.
  5. Light a candle, incense, or use an essential oil diffuser. I recommend using incense for calming and meditative effects.
  6. Begin identifying what is driving your towards effectively rebranding yourself. Is it derived from wanting to get rid of old habits? Are your trying to increase your physical and mental health? Are there insecurities you are ready to ditch? Consider all of these things and more while drafting your “WHY”.

2. Define your ideal future self

Now that you understand why you want to rebrand yourself, now you need to understand what your future self looks like. I encourage you to envision all of your aspirations, but also keep it within realistic bounds. Set realistic goals here, but make sure they are goals they will push you to grow. Some ideas to consider to rebrand yourself might include:

  • what career do you have
  • where do you live
  • what type of housing do you have (are you an aspiring homeowner?)
  • how do you handle your finances
  • how do you carry yourself in social settings
  • what are goals and bucket list ideas you have
  • how do you eat/drink
  • what type of social media and content do you consume
  • what does your friend circle look like

If you are a visual person, I highly recommend creating a vision board. Using Pinterest is a great way to find inspiration for creating your personal rebrand. Click here for a step by step guide on how to create a vision board.

3. Do a personal audit of yourself

Conducting an audit of yourself is similar but different than understanding your “why”. To do a personal audit, write down what your current habits are (the good and bad). Here, the goal is to write down all of the things you are currently doing. This will help you in the next step to create an action plan of how to get to the new version of yourself. The key here is to be as honest as possible, fudging the numbers won’t play out in your favor. Here are some personal audit ideas to gauge and consider:

  • how much water do you drink per day
  • what supplements and medications do you take (if any)
  • how many minutes of exercise do you get per week
  • what is your current average screen time
  • how many books do you read per month or per year
  • how much time do you spend at work each week
  • what is your current salary or hourly pay
  • how much debt do you have
  • what does your current housing look like and where do you live
  • list out who your friends are

4. Identify the gap

Now that you understand where you are at currently and where you want to go, next you will need to identify HOW to get there. In order to identify the “how”, you need to clearly understand the cap between the current and the future. Understanding this gap is where the work will present itself.

Compare the 2 lists you have and create a list of differences. This might feel painful at first, but this is a necessary step you need to take to later create your action plan. Your gap list might look something like this:

  • I have a large friend circle now, but they do not lift me up to the highest version of myself. I will need to make changes in my friend circle to find friends who encourage each other to grow.
  • Currently I live in an apartment in Boston, but I want to move to Chicago. I will need to make a career change that will allow me to move to the city of my dreams.
  • I have a gym membership, but I only get 1 hour of exercise per week. I have the tools available to me (I already have the gym membership) but I need to create a new gym routine that will help me achieve my goal of running in 3 to 5 5K races per year.
  • My screen time is 4.5 hours per day on average, but I want to become a well rounded reader.

5. How to implement your new rebranded self

Now that you understand the gap between your current self and the next version of yourself, it is time to create steps to bridge the gap. Because you are doing an overall rebrand, different goals might have different time lines. But keep in mind that the overall goal of a rebrand should be a continuous effort, which doesn’t have a deadline in and of itself.

Set “SMART” goals in order to help you achieve success. SMART goals are: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time Bound.

Steps to implement your rebrand might look like this:

  • Becoming a well rounded reader this year
    • I want to reduce screen time by 50%. I can do this by setting screen time limits on my favorite applications and delete ones that mindlessly drain my energy.
      • month 1: delete 3 apps, set a screen time limit on 1 app, find a book that peaks my interest, and open a Goodreads account
      • month 2: delete 1 app, set a screen time limit on 2 more apps, start reading 1 book and finish it within 6 weeks
    • Move from Boston to Chicago before my next birthday
      • Month 1: beef up my LinkedIn account, draft my resume, begin looking for a new career, identify the financial cost of moving and the cost of living difference
      • Month 2: Apply to at least 5 jobs per week
      • Months 3-5: continue applying and interviewing, start downsizing my belongings
      • Month 6: land a new job and and search for a new apartment

These are some examples of how to rebrand yourself. Yours will look different, but you should have a good understanding of how to bridge the gap to begin becoming the new version of yourself. Staying consistent is key to success!

6. Schedule a quarterly check in with yourself

To stick with your SMART goals, you need to make sure that you are regularly checking in on your progress. Most often, achieving your goals doesn’t happen in one straight shot. Usually, you will need to readjust your strategies along the way to accommodate your life and the human factor.

The best way to do this is by setting an appointment reminder in your phone or by preplanning this in your planner. When you execute your quarterly check in, review all of the notes and goals you’ve written already. Decide what is still working, what might need to change, and what is definitely not working. This is key to maintaining a successful journey.

7. Tools for effectively rebranding yourself

You might be a bit overwhelmed by the amount of work you need to do, but keep in mind that you’ve outlined manageable steps to get to the next version of you. Having tools in your tool belt will help you stay on track and will push you to evolve. Here are some tools that encourage growth, reflection, mindset changes, and accountability.

FREE Budgeting Workbook

Shameless plug- I have created an incredibly helpful budgeting workbook that will help you manage your money for financial success. It is completely FREE! It has a monthly and yearly financial tracker, budgeting tools, and habit trackers. This is a perfect addition to ensure you stay on track with your personal rebrand.

5 Year Journal

This is the best journal to help you stay on track, on a daily basis. But, it also is a great journal for reflecting back on your progress.

101 Essays to Change the Way you Think

This book is a fantastic read. Not only will it challenge who you are now, but it will give you more insight to who you are becoming. As an added bonus, it is written in a way that is very manageable to read over an extended amount of time.

Journal for Planning, Auditing, and Goal Setting

A blank journal is create for longer entries that are intended for goal setting, setting intentions, reflecting on your progress, and auditing.

FREE Debt Payoff Planner and Tracker

Another shameless plug- this FREE debt payoff planner and tracker was designed to help set you up for a future of financial freedom and financial success. If your personal rebrand includes any financial goals, you must get this FREE printable!

Unshakable and Money Master the Game

These 2 books completely transformed how I view money and transformed my personal finances. I have told all of my friends about these 2 books because they truly were that transformative to me. I highly recommend reading Unshakable first and then tackling the big book, Money Master the Game.

Atomic Habits

This is truly a staple book in the self-help sector. Atomic Habits is an incredible book that does not come across as “too self-help-ish” and includes practical ways to implement changes in your life.

Beam Supplements

If enhancing your sleep hygiene is part of your personal rebrand, I highly recommend trying the Beam Dream drink supplements! I have been using this 2021 and their product just keeps getting better and better. Not to mention, they taste AMAZING! Truly… if you want a tasty way to drift off to sleep, then you must try Beam. My favorite flavors are the Original Cinnamon and Chocolate Peanut butter!

The Pivot Year

This is a fantastic companion book to a 5 Year Journal. This book is just 1 page per day to help change your life in 1 year. Even if you are not a “reader”, this book is for you because it is the most manageable and impactful book you can get to improve your life!

The Let Them Theory

If you are tired of giving your power away to other people and it is your goal to become more confident and empowered, this book will help transform your life. The Let Them Theory is an incredible book to that will transform your relationships with others and your relationship with yourself.

What did I miss? What are the most successful tools and tricks you have that have enabled you to take on rebranding yourself? Comment and share!

This post has been all about the most effective ways to rebrand yourself. This is step by step guide on how to do a personal rebrand and includes tools to help achieve your goals, aspirations, and dreams. Exactly how to step into a new era and new version of yourself is all here in this post.

We have so much more content like this that you don’t want to miss!

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