ACHIEVABLE Goals You Need to Set in 2025

New year, new MEEEE! ugh…

Yeah yeah whatever… new year, new me… AKA new year, same goals left unattained. Harsh? Well maybe it’s your goals that are the problem, not you.

Every year you should be striving to improve yourself. Some years that’s easier to do than others. However, it all starts with a balance of pushing yourself but with realistic expectations.

Need some New Year’s resolutions that you’ll ACTUALLY stick to? Here’s a list of 21 AMAZING goals to set for the new year!

Take these goals and create metrics that fit YOU where YOU’RE at in life and mentally. Go harder or slower, and adjust them as you see fit throughout the year.

1. Reduce screen time

2020 was obviously a complete sh*t show… but it also was filled with all of our favorite shows! 2020 was the year of Netflix and we need to finally move on from that… Take on 2025 by putting down your phone and shutting off Netflix more often.

Not only might this improve your sleep, but you’ll find you have a lot more time to do other (probably more important) things.

2. Go to ALL of the recommended yearly health checkups

Yep… go to the dentist at least once but ideally twice, go to your annual checkup, get your pap-smear done, get your eyes tested, and all the other things.

You refuse to skip your hair appointment and make impromptu nail salon trips, but make sure you’re not skipping out on the appointments that focus on your internal health too.

If you can’t afford to go or don’t have insurance, contact your county’s health department and they might be able to help you. Also, some colleges provide health screenings and dental work at discounted rates if you let their student practice on you (don’t worry, their supervised lol).

3. Spend less on things you don’t actually need

In the age of AmazonPrime, this is something I reeeeally need to work on in 2025. Once I realized how much I spend at HomeGoods and Target this year, I quickly realized I’m buying things I truly don’t need.

Making a budget and sticking to it is difficult. If you’re like me and spend way more than you should, you’re in luck! You can print off my amazing budgeting worksheet for FREE! Perfect for keeping your finances in order each month and it even includes an end-of-year review!

4. Make a list of what your saving for and actually save for those things

So we have already established that I spend too much money on things I don’t need. BUT there are a few things that I actually want that cost a bit more.

After you reduce your spending on things you don’t actually need or want, start focusing that money on big ticket items you’ve been dreaming about or that upgrade you really need.

P R I O R I T I Z E.

5. Spend more time with friends

If 2020 taught us anything, it was the importance of your social life. As an introvert, I love spending quiet time at home. But, 2020 showed me how important my connections with friends truly are.

Years later, it’s time to reevaluate how you’ve stuck with your commitment to those your love. Take an effort to get closer to your friends in 2025. Heck, maybe even reach out to an old friend you haven’t talked to in a long time.

6. Donate 1 trash bag worth of clothes you don’t wear anymore

For me, it is a 1 trash bag minimum. If you’re less obsessed with sales then maybe 1 trash bag is a better fit for you.

Research and find a local shelter in need. If you’re anything like me, you have a lot of clothes in great condition that just never get worn.

There’s a lot of people in your area that would be really grateful to receive those clothes that are just collecting dust. Pack them up and give them to someone who will truly appreciate them.

7. Take more candid photos of family and friends

As some of my family members get older, I’ve come to realize how much I cherish photos that aren’t posed but capture the true raw moments.

You paid extra for the fancy new iPhone camera… use it to capture the small memories in between the big ones.

8. Invest more into retirement or the stock market

Set aside money that can go work for you. Compound interest is your friend in this scenario and invest while time is on your side!

Before you jump right into this one though, make sure you truly understand what you’re investing in. Don’t just buy Apple stock because you think it’s trendy or because your coworker told you to.

9. Read at least 6 books during 2021

Maybe yours will be more or less than 6, but 1 book every 2 months seems totally attainable. Focus more of your time on expanding your mind.

Explore new topics that you haven’t picked up before! I highly recommend The Tattooist From Auschwitz and The Total Money Make Over!

10. Learn 1 new recipe each month

Our love for cooking really grew during 2020’s quarantine. I mean, yeast was sold out for WEEKS! Being forced to eat at home more often saved us money and actually helped us make healthier choices.

Now that it’s been 5 years since then (can you believe it??), it is time to recenter and get back in the kitchen. It’s a life skill worth improving and not to mention, it can be incredibly good for your health to cook at home more often.

11. Go on at least 2 walks outdoors each month… even in the winter

Getting outside more is so important for your mental health. Not to mention all the free vitamin D that comes with it.

I love going on walks in the summer, but the winter’s here in Michigan keep me inside. Set a goal to get outside more, no matter what the weather is.

12. Learn something new

Learning something new is beneficial in so many different ways. Not only are you giving your brain a workout, but it also serves as a way to connect with others.

Try taking on a new skill or hobby with a friend. Or try it solo! Be sure to chat about it with your friends and family. Sharing your new experiences is an easy way for connect with them and you’ll get to know each other better.

13. Narrow down your career goals

Like your job? Need a job? Need a new job?

Write it all out and clarify what you’re striving for. This is a sure-fire way to increase your productivity at work, get that promotion, and you’ll feel a lot more satisfied in your career.

Not sure where you’re headed? No worries.

Focus on how you can improve in your current job. Write a list of things you like and dislike about where you are and use those items to brainstorm new paths you haven’t discovered yet.

14. Run or walk a 5k

There is something about a big group of people all going the same direction with strangers cheering you on that is super motivational.

Whether you’re a sprinter or a couch potato, participating in a 5k is a great way to increase your cardiovascular fitness and boost your moral. Sign up with friends or family to make it even more rewarding!

15. Start saving for a house or car down payment

Giving your savings a purpose is much more motivating than just stockpiling it. Plus, you’re gonna need a down payment someday anyways.

With money, it’s always best to start saving as early as possible. No better time to start than right off the bat in 2025. Need help with budgeting? Here are some free resource:

16. Print your favorite photos

You know all those candid photos you’re gonna take on your new fancy iPhone? Yeah… print those off!

There’s nothing better than taking a trip over to my parents or grandparent’s house and flipping through old photos. Having physical copies of your favorite pictures and even the random candid ones is a satisfaction that no screen can beat.

17. Pay off debt

Well, if you’re like me then there’s too much debt to pay off in one year. BUT, we can certainly make a hefty dent in it!

Student loans and debt can be very overwhelming. If you need help with understanding how to pay off debt, I’ve got you covered! Check out these two amazing posts to kick off your new year:

18. Reduce, reuse, and recycle more often

Start paying closer attention to all the things you toss in the trash every single day.

Here’s some ideas on where to start or improve:

Plastic grocery bags, plastic produce bags, single use water bottles, sandwich/quart/gallon baggies, take-out containers, plastic straws, individually wrapped snacks, single use coffee cups, paper products… and so much more…

19. Travel somewhere new

Reflecting on 2020 left me even more shocked after I realized we didn’t traveled at all that year. For obvious reasons, but still… I truly believe traveling changes your soul and improves your perspective on the world.

Whether you can only afford a day trip to the next town over or you take off somewhere new for the week, be sure to get at least one adventure in during 2025. Like in 2020, or during so many horrible natural disasters since then, prioritize traveling when you can. Life is too short not to.

20. Eat less meat

I used to be a CAR.NI.VORRRR in middle school and high school. I always used to say flank steak was my favorite food.

Throughout college, I ate less red meat (mostly because I only knew how to cook chicken). Early adulthood on my own (truly on my own) has opened up a whole new world of different protein sources.

Not only will the planet and cows thank you, but your arteries will too. And you don’t have to become a vegetarian or vegan to make a difference. Every effort counts!

Check out the documentary Game Changers on Netflix if you need any more convincing than that.

21. Use less heat and elastics on your hair

I’ve mastered using less heat on my hair because I’m too lazy to style it. But let me tell you that hair bands absolutely wrecked my hair in 2020… thanks top knot bun!

Focus on hair health and reducing breakage by putting down the blow dryer every once in a while and opting for a hair clip instead of a hair band. Your fly-aways really will thank you later on.

Have you set goals for next year? What goals did you set that didn’t make this list? Share in the comment section!

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This post has been all about setting goals for next year. These are achievable goals that you can attain in 2025. The best advice for goal setting in 2025.

Looking for more tips and inspiration? You’re going to LOVE these posts:

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